Thursday, December 1, 2011

Had my 35 week appointment yesterday and 5 weeks left to go!  Baby is growing and so am I  - still gaining weight but hoping that will taper off soon! Starting to get limited in the clothes I can wear now. I just got a cold and I am trying my hardest not to take any medication for it but think I might crack soon. Between being pregnant and sick it's been difficult to sleep and poor Joe is being kept awake by my tossing and turning too! Even Logan is starting to feel the consequences of me being sick and asked why I'm so cranky lately!

Just a few more weeks to go and have a feeling it's going to fly by with the holidays and all. Thanksgiving was great but didn't have as much room to stuff all the food due to limited space! Follow up appointment again in 2 weeks then will be weekly at that point going foward. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Had a regular scheduled doctor appointment today and thankfully things are very routine and pretty quick at this point. I will be 33 weeks on Thursday and things are on schedule.  They confirmed that Emma is situated head down already and when they were feeling my belly for body parts she said the baby will be 'good size'. Not sure what that means but hoping it just means normal! 

I pulled out my birth certificate the other night and it has a picture of my on it - 10 lbs and all. I looked enormous and keep hoping that Emma won't be that big too! She isn't as active any more, probably has less and less room to move around in. She's most active when I first wake and up when I lay down to go to bed.

I'm still trying to walk every day but it gets difficult to juggle that with being busy at work and spending time with Logan and Joe on the weekends. Joe works most weekends but I've been lucky with the nice weather lately and able to get Logan out with me. Next appointment on the 29th - hope that gives me a few days to walk off all that turkey from this month before the next weigh-in!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 2011

Belly - 31 weeks

Things have been pretty quiet lately - a nice change from last week!
With the snowstorm and no power we moved around quite a bit (thanks to all of you that hosted us!!) and was a little stressful on the belly! No issues, just tightness and back pain but all of that is thankfully gone now. I'm back in my own bed and back to somewhat normal routine - as normal as normal can be!  :-)

I am almost 32 weeks now and my biweekly appointments are super quick - just weight check and listening to the heartbeat. I've gained about 26 pounds already, which is what I gained with Logan and I still have 8 weeks to go!!! I have a picture from this weekend that I'll post.

Logan had some practice this weekend with 2 babies visiting and he was such a good boy- he wanted to hold one of the babies, spent a lot of time rocking one in the swing and putting the blanket on each time she kicked it off. I'm certain he will be a great big brother! He has loved playing with all his old baby toys I took out the other day - I'm amazed how entertained he is by them!  My work had a babyshower for me too and the 2 stuffed animals he has already claimed for his own. He says Emma won't know what to do with them so he has to take care of them for her!

Emma is  most active in the morning when I first wake up and when I first lay down for the night. She kicks and does somersaults for a good 20 minutes.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

29 weeks and counting!

I had my regular follow up appointment today - I'm at 29 weeks with 11 left to go! I am now seeing the doctor every two weeks instead of monthly and towards the end it will change to weekly. Things are going great - she is growing every day and is estimated to be about 3 lbs right now. I think she is finally head down for good although probably plenty of room to move around still. Each time I go they say she's head down, which is good at this point going forward.  I am constantly feeling her move during the day, mostly down lower so I'm thinking she spends her day punching!

Logan still spends a lot of time talking to her. He thinks it's cool to feel her moving around and we tell him she's say hi to him. Whenever Joe puts his hands on my belly she starts kicking too.

It's getting harder to get up from playing on the floor with Logan now but I am feeling good. The baby's room is all done now, crib is set up along with a bassinet a friend gave us. Not much to do now except wait!

Friday, October 7, 2011

He made it through the class! When the baby is born, her footprint goes on the right

Logan's big brother class at the hosptial - he learned how to put on a diaper, dress the baby and swaddle. He'll make such a good brother!

Still trying to put on the diaper. This had to be the funniest part

Trying to put on the hat

It's amazing how fast time goes by. I didn't realize it had been quite so long since my last update. Things over the past 2 months have been going pretty smoothly.  I am now on my final week of the 2nd trimester, I am 27 weeks w/only 3 months left to go. The baby has been moving around a LOT and Logan and Joe have been able to feel her kicking around. Logan talks to her quite often and tells her jokes - his favoriate right now is "Guess what?" and when you say what, he responds "Chicken butt!". I'm sure she has  learned his voice by now!

I have already been getting the braxton hicks contractions which are normal. I have been getting them a lot lately so when I called the doctor on them they had me come in to be monitored. Yesterday they hooked me up to a fetal monitor and they could track how much the baby moved and the contractions. Nothing to be concerned about, just an active baby!

I am now on follow up appointments biweekly until delivery. I had my glucose test the other day and results were normal. Not fun but I am told the drink is not half as bad as the one you need for a colanoscopy so I will count my blessings!  I will continue to keep you all posted on progress.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We finally decided on a name - Emma Louise Bouley. Logan wants the middle name to be Pokemon but told him it can be the baby's nickname. It makes us feel like we have accomplished at least something before the baby comes. Our new place has a small baby room that we are going to attempt to pain and get ready in the coming months too. It's fun going through the bins of old baby stuff from Logan getting them ready for the new baby. It's hard to imaine that my big boy was that little!

Nothing new from here, things are going well and I'm feeling great. Just a little slower at doing things. I'm at 22 weeks and more than half way through!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


It's a girl!

Had the 20 week ultrasound today - confirmed that all of you are right that it's a girl! I'll scan the picture tonight, they were able to do a 3-D picture and it has loads of hair!  Logan came with us and cried when the ultrasound tech said it was a girl - he so dearly wanted a brother! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Finally we have a date for the next ultrasound - we'll find out the baby's gender on Wednesday, August 17th! Can't wait to find out - hoping the baby cooperates and will keep you updated!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

18 weeks along today and baby has been kicking around quite a bit over the past week. Joe was able to feel it the other day for the first time too. At least a couple times a day I'll feel it moving around, usually when I sit down from moving around a lot or sit down after a walk.  Tomorrow I have my 18 week appointment and will hopefully get the fetal survery scheduled that will also check for the babys gender. Feeling great but the belly is getting awfully big!  I'll take another picture soon to post!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Feeling kicks!

Last night after a long, busy weekend I was sitting watching TV and felt the baby move! It was the first time I was able to feel something, it felt like little flicks against my stomach for about 10 minutes. Unfortunately Joe wasn't home but not sure he would have been able to feel anything anyway though as they were ever so slight.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Today I had my 4 month follow up appointment. We had this ultrasound done, this is the 3rd time but figured I would just post this one since there are so many! Kind of looks like the baby is waving! Still no definitive answer but the doctor is still leaning towards a girl. It's still a bit early to tell so we are waiting before we get rid of all our old boy stuff!

I have been on a no lifting restriction for the past 10 days but the doctor said next week I can go back to normal activity. All is well and I'm feeling great. I've gained a total of about 5 pounds but it certainly looks a lot more than that! No cravings yet but still not back to wanting vegetables as much as I should although I eat fruit all day long.

I have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks and hope to get a belly picture up before then so you can see how I'm growing.
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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Yahoo! First day of the 2nd trimester and things are going well. We moved this past weekend and it was difficult not to do any lifting but it is nice to be finally moved.  Still a lot of unpacking to do but we can do that over time. I'm feeling great but feel hungry every couple of hours. With this hot & humid weather it's a little hard to get out walking but I try to walk at least a mile every morning. I don't have another doctor appointment until July 20th and it will be too early even then to find out whether it's a girl or a boy... the suspense is killing me! 
Will post 4 month picture soon - more than likely w/Logan in it!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I had my first ultrasound yesterday and it was so nice to finally see the baby!  Things look good and I was going to post the pictures but the scanner is already packed!  I will do my best to find it tonight so I can scan in the pics, otherwise it will have to wait until after we move this weekend. 

Next appointment is July 20th. I'll keep you posted!  Nothing much has changed, baby is healthy, heart rate at 151 this time around and was very quiet. Doctor had to keep poking my belly to get the baby to move to the right position. Only 5.5 cm long at this point - makes you wonder what all that space in the belly is for then! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

12 weeks

Logan wanted to take part in this picture but of course he's a goof now when attention is on him.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Today I had my 12 week appointment - I'm 11.5 weeks along and Thursday will be 12 weeks. Almost done the 1st trimester! I got to hear the heartbeat today which is amazingly fast - 154 beats/minute!  What a relief to hear it and know that everything is ok so far.  Once I get home I'll try to download the clip and see if I can post on this blog for you all to hear. Thankfully there's just one heartbeat - I can't tell you how many people are betting on twins!  I'll have an ultrasound sometime next week - finally! I can't wait to see what the little bean looks like! The doctor said at this point the baby is about the size of a lime.

I am feeling 100% better now too. Finally able to eat healthier too so I'm feeling much less guilty now that I'm able to stomache fruits and veggies.  I admitt that I still have my indulgences, like today I took a quick trip to the store next door in order to restock my chocolate stash at work.  I'll post another picture at 12 weeks - on Thursday.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

10 weeks today, seems to be going by slowly but doing much better each day. Still tired at night but not as sick any more if I eat throughout the day. I thought the comic below was quite accurate!
My next doctor appointment isn't until 6/20 but hoping I will hear the heartbeat then! I'm doing okay in this heat thankfully becuase I work in an airconditioned office - can't say the same for my poor husband who is sweltering in this heat!

Friday, June 3, 2011

GINGER ALE!!!   How come nobody told me about this wonderful miracle drug?!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I just realized last week I promised a picture for the 2 month mark. Here you go! The scale is still telling me that I haven't gained any weight but I think there's a belly starting there. Not surprised considering the only thing I could eat today without feeling sick was a buffalo chicken sandwich! I really tried hard to eat healthy - I had brought cereal, fruit and yogurt to work but just couldn't force them down. I think the only thing saving me at this point is my daily walking! If anyone has any healthy recipies for comfort food I will gladly take any suggestions!

Things have been busy for us, busy holiday weekend with a lot of BBQs with great food and great people. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say I didn't miss the beer that is associated with the summer time but at this point I probably couldn't force it down. I have already given up on coffee too - I had switched to decaf and now have little interest at all. I will admit to an occassional Dunkin coffee during my weekly Friday tradition with Logan though, paired with a breakfast sandwich of course!

I will do my best to continue to post. I have been exhausted lately and once I get Logan to bed at 8 (and he finally falls asleep around 9) I am pretty beat. They tell me that all stops in the 2nd trimester - 3 more weeks to go! Good night all!
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1st Dr appointment - 8 weeks

Today I had my first doctors appointment and confirmed due date of January 5th. Seems so far away!  Tomorrow I will be 8 weeks but have to wait another 3 weeks before I can hear the heart beat. I don't remember so much waiting with the last pregnancy but I was able to have an ultrasound at 4 weeks then. Don't think I'll have one until 16 weeks at this point!

I have been feeling ok although get a little nauseous first thing in the morning until I eat something.  Doing well otherwise and trying to get out walking every day for a few miles. This pregnancy was a delightful reason to stop the Insanity workout that I was doing and now doing much more low key excercising!  The weather has finally made a turn for the better so it's great to get outside every day.

Logan is beginning to get the idea of pregnancy, at least the idea that I'm going to be getting bigger as the baby grows.  I have to work on not taking things so personally though as Logan stated yesterday that I'm going to be "big and fat" by the end! I'll take the first picture when I get home tonight since I haven't gained any weight yet and will start tracking on a monthly basis.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In the middle of week 6 right now and thankfully haven't started gaining weight despite my huge increase in appetite. I feel like I'm eating every 2 hours and still hungry!  Guess the body is hard at work so I haven't been feeling too guilty yet. Although I admit I have a stash of M&M's in my desk at work I've been trying my best to keep the snacking healthy. My new favorite is watermellon.

Seems as though every night I've had very vivid dreams too. I don't normally remember my dreams but for the past 2 weeks now I have one I remember each night.  I'm thinking of starting a dream log. Wouldn't it be interesting to read them once the baby is born and older and see if they start to make sense! Might explain his/her personality!

We have already been thinking about some baby names. Logan likes to have input as well into this and still thinks Logan is the best boy name! We'll keep you posted though!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Most of our friends and family know the wonderful news and we had a good time telling everyone. Logan turned 4 this past Sunday and at his birthday party he wore a "Big brother in training" t-shirt to break the news. It took a while for people to catch on since it was so hectic with all the kids but it was a good time. When we told Logan he was going to be a big brother he was excited. I think 9 months before the baby comes out is going to be hard for him since he is already asking when it is going to happen. Each day is different but he is hoping for a baby brother and wants to name him Logan. If it's a girl he came up with the names Isabelle (our good friend's 1 yr-old) and Aubrey.

We are also getting ready to move so this is a busy and exciting time for us. We will be moving in July and sharing a rather large house with our good friends Justin and Chrissy. Chrissy is only a few days behind me in her prenancy so it certainly is going to be an adventure!

Things are going well so far though. Feeling great except the frequent headaches. That's probably just from my caffine withdrawal switching to decaf - you men will never understand the sacrifices we make! :-)

Monday, May 9, 2011


Well, if you've made it to this page then the cat is out of the bag.... suprise!  We are expecting baby #2! 
I wanted a way to make this pregnancy special and know many of you I can't see on a regular basis.  I hope this will keep you updated as to how the baby is doing, how Logan is taking this whole thing and what bizzare pregnancy symptom or craving I'm having on a particular day!