Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We finally decided on a name - Emma Louise Bouley. Logan wants the middle name to be Pokemon but told him it can be the baby's nickname. It makes us feel like we have accomplished at least something before the baby comes. Our new place has a small baby room that we are going to attempt to pain and get ready in the coming months too. It's fun going through the bins of old baby stuff from Logan getting them ready for the new baby. It's hard to imaine that my big boy was that little!

Nothing new from here, things are going well and I'm feeling great. Just a little slower at doing things. I'm at 22 weeks and more than half way through!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


It's a girl!

Had the 20 week ultrasound today - confirmed that all of you are right that it's a girl! I'll scan the picture tonight, they were able to do a 3-D picture and it has loads of hair!  Logan came with us and cried when the ultrasound tech said it was a girl - he so dearly wanted a brother! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Finally we have a date for the next ultrasound - we'll find out the baby's gender on Wednesday, August 17th! Can't wait to find out - hoping the baby cooperates and will keep you updated!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

18 weeks along today and baby has been kicking around quite a bit over the past week. Joe was able to feel it the other day for the first time too. At least a couple times a day I'll feel it moving around, usually when I sit down from moving around a lot or sit down after a walk.  Tomorrow I have my 18 week appointment and will hopefully get the fetal survery scheduled that will also check for the babys gender. Feeling great but the belly is getting awfully big!  I'll take another picture soon to post!