Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I just realized last week I promised a picture for the 2 month mark. Here you go! The scale is still telling me that I haven't gained any weight but I think there's a belly starting there. Not surprised considering the only thing I could eat today without feeling sick was a buffalo chicken sandwich! I really tried hard to eat healthy - I had brought cereal, fruit and yogurt to work but just couldn't force them down. I think the only thing saving me at this point is my daily walking! If anyone has any healthy recipies for comfort food I will gladly take any suggestions!

Things have been busy for us, busy holiday weekend with a lot of BBQs with great food and great people. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say I didn't miss the beer that is associated with the summer time but at this point I probably couldn't force it down. I have already given up on coffee too - I had switched to decaf and now have little interest at all. I will admit to an occassional Dunkin coffee during my weekly Friday tradition with Logan though, paired with a breakfast sandwich of course!

I will do my best to continue to post. I have been exhausted lately and once I get Logan to bed at 8 (and he finally falls asleep around 9) I am pretty beat. They tell me that all stops in the 2nd trimester - 3 more weeks to go! Good night all!
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1st Dr appointment - 8 weeks

Today I had my first doctors appointment and confirmed due date of January 5th. Seems so far away!  Tomorrow I will be 8 weeks but have to wait another 3 weeks before I can hear the heart beat. I don't remember so much waiting with the last pregnancy but I was able to have an ultrasound at 4 weeks then. Don't think I'll have one until 16 weeks at this point!

I have been feeling ok although get a little nauseous first thing in the morning until I eat something.  Doing well otherwise and trying to get out walking every day for a few miles. This pregnancy was a delightful reason to stop the Insanity workout that I was doing and now doing much more low key excercising!  The weather has finally made a turn for the better so it's great to get outside every day.

Logan is beginning to get the idea of pregnancy, at least the idea that I'm going to be getting bigger as the baby grows.  I have to work on not taking things so personally though as Logan stated yesterday that I'm going to be "big and fat" by the end! I'll take the first picture when I get home tonight since I haven't gained any weight yet and will start tracking on a monthly basis.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In the middle of week 6 right now and thankfully haven't started gaining weight despite my huge increase in appetite. I feel like I'm eating every 2 hours and still hungry!  Guess the body is hard at work so I haven't been feeling too guilty yet. Although I admit I have a stash of M&M's in my desk at work I've been trying my best to keep the snacking healthy. My new favorite is watermellon.

Seems as though every night I've had very vivid dreams too. I don't normally remember my dreams but for the past 2 weeks now I have one I remember each night.  I'm thinking of starting a dream log. Wouldn't it be interesting to read them once the baby is born and older and see if they start to make sense! Might explain his/her personality!

We have already been thinking about some baby names. Logan likes to have input as well into this and still thinks Logan is the best boy name! We'll keep you posted though!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Most of our friends and family know the wonderful news and we had a good time telling everyone. Logan turned 4 this past Sunday and at his birthday party he wore a "Big brother in training" t-shirt to break the news. It took a while for people to catch on since it was so hectic with all the kids but it was a good time. When we told Logan he was going to be a big brother he was excited. I think 9 months before the baby comes out is going to be hard for him since he is already asking when it is going to happen. Each day is different but he is hoping for a baby brother and wants to name him Logan. If it's a girl he came up with the names Isabelle (our good friend's 1 yr-old) and Aubrey.

We are also getting ready to move so this is a busy and exciting time for us. We will be moving in July and sharing a rather large house with our good friends Justin and Chrissy. Chrissy is only a few days behind me in her prenancy so it certainly is going to be an adventure!

Things are going well so far though. Feeling great except the frequent headaches. That's probably just from my caffine withdrawal switching to decaf - you men will never understand the sacrifices we make! :-)

Monday, May 9, 2011


Well, if you've made it to this page then the cat is out of the bag.... suprise!  We are expecting baby #2! 
I wanted a way to make this pregnancy special and know many of you I can't see on a regular basis.  I hope this will keep you updated as to how the baby is doing, how Logan is taking this whole thing and what bizzare pregnancy symptom or craving I'm having on a particular day!