Wednesday, October 19, 2011

29 weeks and counting!

I had my regular follow up appointment today - I'm at 29 weeks with 11 left to go! I am now seeing the doctor every two weeks instead of monthly and towards the end it will change to weekly. Things are going great - she is growing every day and is estimated to be about 3 lbs right now. I think she is finally head down for good although probably plenty of room to move around still. Each time I go they say she's head down, which is good at this point going forward.  I am constantly feeling her move during the day, mostly down lower so I'm thinking she spends her day punching!

Logan still spends a lot of time talking to her. He thinks it's cool to feel her moving around and we tell him she's say hi to him. Whenever Joe puts his hands on my belly she starts kicking too.

It's getting harder to get up from playing on the floor with Logan now but I am feeling good. The baby's room is all done now, crib is set up along with a bassinet a friend gave us. Not much to do now except wait!

Friday, October 7, 2011

He made it through the class! When the baby is born, her footprint goes on the right

Logan's big brother class at the hosptial - he learned how to put on a diaper, dress the baby and swaddle. He'll make such a good brother!

Still trying to put on the diaper. This had to be the funniest part

Trying to put on the hat

It's amazing how fast time goes by. I didn't realize it had been quite so long since my last update. Things over the past 2 months have been going pretty smoothly.  I am now on my final week of the 2nd trimester, I am 27 weeks w/only 3 months left to go. The baby has been moving around a LOT and Logan and Joe have been able to feel her kicking around. Logan talks to her quite often and tells her jokes - his favoriate right now is "Guess what?" and when you say what, he responds "Chicken butt!". I'm sure she has  learned his voice by now!

I have already been getting the braxton hicks contractions which are normal. I have been getting them a lot lately so when I called the doctor on them they had me come in to be monitored. Yesterday they hooked me up to a fetal monitor and they could track how much the baby moved and the contractions. Nothing to be concerned about, just an active baby!

I am now on follow up appointments biweekly until delivery. I had my glucose test the other day and results were normal. Not fun but I am told the drink is not half as bad as the one you need for a colanoscopy so I will count my blessings!  I will continue to keep you all posted on progress.