Thursday, December 1, 2011

Had my 35 week appointment yesterday and 5 weeks left to go!  Baby is growing and so am I  - still gaining weight but hoping that will taper off soon! Starting to get limited in the clothes I can wear now. I just got a cold and I am trying my hardest not to take any medication for it but think I might crack soon. Between being pregnant and sick it's been difficult to sleep and poor Joe is being kept awake by my tossing and turning too! Even Logan is starting to feel the consequences of me being sick and asked why I'm so cranky lately!

Just a few more weeks to go and have a feeling it's going to fly by with the holidays and all. Thanksgiving was great but didn't have as much room to stuff all the food due to limited space! Follow up appointment again in 2 weeks then will be weekly at that point going foward. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Had a regular scheduled doctor appointment today and thankfully things are very routine and pretty quick at this point. I will be 33 weeks on Thursday and things are on schedule.  They confirmed that Emma is situated head down already and when they were feeling my belly for body parts she said the baby will be 'good size'. Not sure what that means but hoping it just means normal! 

I pulled out my birth certificate the other night and it has a picture of my on it - 10 lbs and all. I looked enormous and keep hoping that Emma won't be that big too! She isn't as active any more, probably has less and less room to move around in. She's most active when I first wake and up when I lay down to go to bed.

I'm still trying to walk every day but it gets difficult to juggle that with being busy at work and spending time with Logan and Joe on the weekends. Joe works most weekends but I've been lucky with the nice weather lately and able to get Logan out with me. Next appointment on the 29th - hope that gives me a few days to walk off all that turkey from this month before the next weigh-in!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 2011

Belly - 31 weeks

Things have been pretty quiet lately - a nice change from last week!
With the snowstorm and no power we moved around quite a bit (thanks to all of you that hosted us!!) and was a little stressful on the belly! No issues, just tightness and back pain but all of that is thankfully gone now. I'm back in my own bed and back to somewhat normal routine - as normal as normal can be!  :-)

I am almost 32 weeks now and my biweekly appointments are super quick - just weight check and listening to the heartbeat. I've gained about 26 pounds already, which is what I gained with Logan and I still have 8 weeks to go!!! I have a picture from this weekend that I'll post.

Logan had some practice this weekend with 2 babies visiting and he was such a good boy- he wanted to hold one of the babies, spent a lot of time rocking one in the swing and putting the blanket on each time she kicked it off. I'm certain he will be a great big brother! He has loved playing with all his old baby toys I took out the other day - I'm amazed how entertained he is by them!  My work had a babyshower for me too and the 2 stuffed animals he has already claimed for his own. He says Emma won't know what to do with them so he has to take care of them for her!

Emma is  most active in the morning when I first wake up and when I first lay down for the night. She kicks and does somersaults for a good 20 minutes.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

29 weeks and counting!

I had my regular follow up appointment today - I'm at 29 weeks with 11 left to go! I am now seeing the doctor every two weeks instead of monthly and towards the end it will change to weekly. Things are going great - she is growing every day and is estimated to be about 3 lbs right now. I think she is finally head down for good although probably plenty of room to move around still. Each time I go they say she's head down, which is good at this point going forward.  I am constantly feeling her move during the day, mostly down lower so I'm thinking she spends her day punching!

Logan still spends a lot of time talking to her. He thinks it's cool to feel her moving around and we tell him she's say hi to him. Whenever Joe puts his hands on my belly she starts kicking too.

It's getting harder to get up from playing on the floor with Logan now but I am feeling good. The baby's room is all done now, crib is set up along with a bassinet a friend gave us. Not much to do now except wait!